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Pennsylvania Committee for Affordable Housing PaCAH

Upcoming Events

What is PaCAH?

PaCAH, or the Pennsylvania Committee for the Affordable Housing, is the political action committee of the Pennsylvania Builders Association, PaCAH is bipartisan- supporting both Democrats and Republicans- and helps elect and maintain qualified, pro-housing, pro-business candidates to the state office.

Why should you contribute to PaCAH?

PaCAH is your voice at the state level. PaCAH has strength in numbers- more members who support PaCAH, the stronger our voice is for the political process.

Government Affairs Success over the past few years

PA Committee for Affordable Housing

The PA Committee for Affordable Housing (PaCAH) raises money and supports campaigns of state legislators who work tirelessly for builders. This resource can make the difference between a win and a loss or an ally and an adversary. Even if you can't be a strong contributor to PaCAH fundraising efforts, we all have friends and business associates who are interested in helping our allies to victory.


You can Complete the PaCAH Contribution form.

Or you can Send a check to Wayne Pike Bia PaCAH and it will be deposited into our Local Pa CAH account

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